David Zwicker is a theoretical physicist who is interested in the spatial and temporal organization of biological soft matter. In particular, he wants to understand how nature organizes soft, fluid-like materials.

Short CV

since 2017 MPI-DS, Göttingen: Max Planck research group leader
2014–2017 Harvard, Cambridge MA: Postdoc with Michael Brenner
2009–2013 MPI-PKS, Dresden: PhD student with Frank Jülicher
2009 AMOLF, Amsterdam: Intern with Pieter Rein ten Wolde
2004–2009 TU Dresden: Student of theoretical physics

Research Experience

since 2017 Max Planck Research Group Leader, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen
Work on biological physics
2014–2017 Postdoc, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Work on nasal airflow and olfaction with Michael Brenner
2009–2013 Ph.D. student, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Work on active droplets in biology with Frank Jülicher
2009 Intern, Amolf, Amsterdam
Work on bacterial clocks with Pieter Rein ten Wolde
2007–2008 Student assistant, MPI of Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Image analysis with Stefan Diez


2013 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Thesis on "Physical Description of Centrosomes as Active Droplets”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Jülicher
2009 Diploma (Master’s Degree) in Physics, Technische Universität Dresden
Thesis on the Hubbard model in theoretical solid state physics
Advisors: Dr. Rolf Schumann and Prof. Dr. Roland Ketzmerick


since 2022 EMBO Young Investigator Programme
since 2021 Faculty in Max Planck School Matter to Life